Politika “Estupidez no Irasional” Hamate negosiante ki’ik no ambulante sira

Iha fulan Jullu 2023, hau akompana notisia nasional, Vendedor Ambulante sira protesta ba iha Prezidente da Republika. Protesta nee refere ba aktu Autoridade Munispiu Dili ne’ebe obriga, hadau vendedor sira nia sasan hodi labele faan iha dalan ninin no fatin publiku sira. Nai Prezidente Republika  Timor-Leste, Sr. Ramos Horta komprende situasaun vendedor sira nee, noContinue reading “Politika “Estupidez no Irasional” Hamate negosiante ki’ik no ambulante sira”

Life is a journey: My Trip to Europe

Last month (July 30, 2023), I should have written in my web blog diary about my travel experiences in Europe. However, I couldn’t do that because when I arrived in Timor-Leste, I was jet-lagged for almost three days, having crossed between two different time zones from Europe and Asia, where there is a time difference,Continue reading “Life is a journey: My Trip to Europe”